Partnership programs are implemented to extend VDRC-Nepal experience, learning, skill and reflection in community development so as to uplift weaker sections of the community towards their sustainable livelihoods. The programs are implemented in close collaboration with different donor agencies, which have similar working approach and modality.
Completed Programs
Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Program (RWSSP)
With support of Rural Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Fund Development Board (RWSSFDB), VDRC-Nepal implemented rural drinking water and sanitation program in Gorkha and Tanahun districts. The program included post-construction monitoring phase that incorporated sanitation along with rural drinking water issues. Major objective of the program was to provide clean drinking water for the community and support construction of toilets and create health awareness in the community.
Literacy Instruction Program
Literacy Instruction Program was an educational program launched in Nawalparasi district in partnership with Room to Read. Major objective of the program was to develop the reading skills of primary level students in government schools. The program intensively supported class 1 & 2 and facilitated Nepali subject teachers of both classes. This program covered the 40 government schools and introduced different types of educational materials like letter card, windows card, picture word card, workbooks, wall brick chart, CV chart, Barhakhari chart, LLP books, etc. It organized different types of teachers' capacity development training as well as refresher. Continuous assessments, remedial class conduction, creation of print rich environment in classes, and use of balanced approach were the major characteristics of the program.
Child Friendly Local Governance (CFLG) Program
In partnership with UNICEF Nepal, VDRC-Nepal implemented Child Friendly Local Governance (CFLG) program in 12 VDCs of Nawalparasi district. It supported and strengthened capacities of individuals, families and communities for quality basic education, protection of rights, maternal health, child health care and nutrition, psycho-social development, sanitation, hygiene and water quality, HIV/AIDS, decentralized governance and community action process. VDRC-Nepal organized basic and refresher training events for regular enhancement of CM’s skill to support CAP facilitations in the district.
Reading Room (School Library) Program
The program aims to promote literacy and reading habit among school children through establishment of child–friendly libraries where children find reading as an exciting and fun activity so that they read with proper understanding. Room to Read and VDRC-Nepal have launched the program in Chitwan and Nawalparasi districts since 2007. The program covering 405 schools (Nawalparasi 304 and Chitwan 101) focuses on capacity building of head teachers, teachers, librarians, parents, and community members in managing school library.
Key achievements during 2016 include promotional support for reading activities in 15 schools; quarterly parent meetings and day celebrations in 50 schools; library sustainability plan in 50 schools; and library hand-over programs in 35 schools. With functional, child-friendly, and well-managed libraries, the reading habit among primary-level children has substantially improved.
Local Governance and Community Development
LGCDP, working in collaboration with Nawalparasi DDC and Bardghat Municipality, target poor and disadvantaged groups and strive for their increased access to both government and non-government resources and services so as to reduce poverty. During 2016, it registered several achievements including facilitation on institution building and their smooth renewal process. The formation of User Committees in the program VDCs and renewal of one-fourth members of the Ward Citizen Forums (WCF) in 110 wards including change of the Coordinators were the highlights. The program facilitated structured communication and interaction amongst stakeholders through monthly staff meeting, weekly discussion class in CAC, special VDC council meetings and annual reporting. Likewise, it continued the program activities monitoring, specifically the revolving loan fund under livelihood improvement scheme and small infrastructure programs and supported the 16 days violence against women program.
Integrated Development Project for Poverty Alleviation
IDPPA, working in eight VDCs in Nawalparasi district, succeeded in community institution building process through establishment of 60 community organizations (CO) in the program area during 2016 followed by various awareness raising and capacity building training for the members. A total of 24 COs were facilitated in securing revolving fund grant from Poverty Alleviation Fund (PAF) for income generation sub-projects. Again, three infrastructure sub-projects (water supply 2 and irrigation 1) were approved by PAF.
Child Friendly Local Governance
The program started in 2015 and supported by UNICEF Nepal built capacity of the local bodies in the earthquake affected 11 districts on child friendly local governance (CFLG) with particular emphasis on strengthening their role in mobilizing the child clubs. It facilitated in prioritizing child rights in the local planning and budgeting process particularly channeling block grants for the protection and development of disadvantaged children and women.
Key achievements included training of the VDC Secretaries, Municipality Ward Secretaries, Social Mobilizers, and other relevant stakeholders in the project districts (total participants 857) on Bal Bhela and incorporation of the children’s voices in local-level planning. The training events were coordinated and led by MoFALD. Likewise, the children’s voices collected during VDC/district level training and consultations were shared with key stakeholders.
Change Starts at Home
In partnership with Equal Access International, the program is making innovative use of media and group discussion for target couples and their families as well as workshops and training to influence the community towards reduced violence against women and girls (VAWG). The study on VAWG especially focused on intimate partner violence is an emerging concept and strategy for preventing the violence prevalent in our society. The program covers 36 VDCs (18 intervention and 18 control) in three districts of Chitwan, Nawalparasi and Kapilvastu.
Given the randomized control trial research, the program conducted baseline survey as well as baseline and mid-line in-depth interviews of the participants. It engaged 72 local facilitators and 33 religious/social leaders together with proper training and refresher for them to contribute in the program. Key achievements during 2016 included support in producing radio program ‘Samajhdari’ and conduct and monitoring of the radio program listener and discussion groups. Likewise, the religious and social leaders as change agents in the community were mobilized to deliver the message in bringing positive change amongst primitive and conservative thinkers. Again, a street drama performance in 18 different project locations was organized for community sensitization.
Suaahara II “Good Nutrition” Program
Suaahara II is a five-year USAID-funded program managed by Helen Keller International. VDRC-Nepal leads the homestead food production (HFP) component of the program being implemented in 40 districts. The component contributes to improved access to diverse and nutrient-rich foods by women and children.
Key achievements during 2016 include the program office and HFP demo set-up and recruitment, orientation and mobilization of 36 full-time program staff positions. The HFP Marketing Officers in the 30 assigned program districts have participated in and contributed to the respective district consultative meetings and orientation for PNGOs. Two sets of training manual for capacity building of village model farmers and HFP beneficiary groups are ready and refresher orientation conducted for potential resource persons for the set one training on capacity building for group management.
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