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LRP - Poultry Training Experience


Afsana Khatun, LRP-Poultry/1000 days mother – Harmi, Gorkha:

“Initially I was in doubt whether to attend this training or not thinking about the distance so far, unknown new place with child but I feel so happy that I attended this training.


Food especially for child was taken care so well during our stay in VDRC-Nepal and overall management was so good. I learnt so many things and this learning will help me to run Brooding Centre well, which I am starting now with the help of Suaahara. I also learnt that Suaahara Program has added Adolescent as their beneficiaries in phase 2. Now, I will include Adolescents of my community in our HFPB group.


Also, as LRP of poultry I can serve my community people in diseases identification of chickens, and things to be considered for poultry rearing, poultry feed, etc. I feel that we should not miss any training of Suaahara because they teach us very useful things.”

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Gaindakot-8, Vijayanagar, Nawalparasi Nepal

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Email: vdrc@vdrc.org.np

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